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  • DanMartines

    • a posté un article :

      How much will animal equipment cost us?
      So we just a got a new dog for home. All the family is excited, everybody wants to have fun with him. But with Joy comes worries: How can we take care of our dog? How can we make our home the best place for him?  Well, if you want your...

    • a posté un article :

      How much will animal equipment cost us?
      So we just a got a new dog home. All the family is excited, everybody wants to have fun with him. But with Joy comes worries: How can we take care of our dog? How can we make our home the best place for him?  Well, if you want your dog...

    • a posté un article :

      10 tips to prepare your dog to the summer
      Spring and summer in the doorway and with them a series of phenomena, diseases and irregularities among our dogs and cats. Most of the problems related to spring and summer (seasonal), which we deal with in the Toronto veterinary clinic, ar...


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