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  • skander69

    • a posté un article :

      Free Subject
      "There is a place where cerebral and corporal meet: they call it rowing" Barry Strauss      Yes ladies and gentlemen, not everything in England is football. Let me introduce you to one of the most aristocratic, self-dem...

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      Significant Local News Story
      Hi there, are you alright ? For this article, i'm gonna talk about a football story related to Cambridge, in particular to Cambridge United football club, because i'm a football fan. But it is not going to be under the good aspect. On March...

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      Hi mates, United Kingdom is a country of European Union. This is a very particular country because the currency is not the Euro but the Pound, they don't have a president, but a queen, and British people drive on left side of the route...

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      Social Rituals
      « Tea is the quintessential ingredient to the true meaning of being British… » This was the answer I got when I asked one of my British housemates about his constant and sacred habit of drinking tea. Tea breaks ...

    • a posté un article :

      Skander's Arrival
      Hi guys, For my first blog article, i will tell you about my arrival in my new city, Cambridge, and in particular in my new University, Anglia Ruskin University. I arrived in Cambridge on January, 24th 2015 even if i had to arrive on Januar...


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