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      Domingo 9 de junho as 17h : Vanessa da Mata cantando Tom Jobim
      Two or three times a year there is a concert on the beach. These concerts are free so a lot of people come. Few years ago, the Rolling Stones gave a free concert on the beach in Rio de Janeiro. June, 9 it was the famous brazilian singer Va...

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      History of Samba
                            In the XVI century, many slaves were brought to Salvador de Bahia, the first capital of Brazil where it was colonized by Portuguese. These African slaves brought...

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      Four days in "Ilha Grande"
      "Oh God, if there is a paradise on the world, it is not far from here"  What a wonderful world !  

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      What stereotypes do you have about Brazil and Brazilian people ?
        When we talk about international vision about Brazil we easily associate with Amazon Rainforest, Beaches, Samba, Favelas and Football. According to a lot of foreigners, brazilian people just think about carnival, samba and football....

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      "Se beber não dirige" (If you drink, don't drive)
      I want to present this advertisment because I think it is a recent law really important for Brazilian people. In fact, since 2011, Brazilian drivers can not drive after drinking alcohol. No tolerance is accepted in the country of footb...

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      "Dois irmaõs" (Two brothers)
      Leblon and Ipanema beaches atop "Dois irmãos" hiking.

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      Favelas in Rio de Janeiro
          I gonna talk about slums in Rio de Janeiro, known as « favelas ». There are many favelas in Rio de Janeiro, it gathers the third of the urban population. There are many difficulties in the favelas: ...


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